Animals as Worshippers of God before all On Animal Piety in Islam
Colloque international organisé par Guillaume De Vaulx D’Arcy (Cnrs, Orient & Méditerranée) et Nicolas Payen (Sorbonne Université – Orient & Méditerranée)
Lieu : Cnrs – Campus Villejuif – 7 rue Guy Môquet 94801 Villejuif Cedex
Wednesday, November 16
- 9h00 : Welcoming of participants
- 9h30 : Introduction
- Guillaume DE VAULX – Presentation of the conference
- Nicolas PAYEN – State of investigation : research and studies on animals in Islam
- Jens SCHMITT – State of investigation : presentation of Ethik des Mitseins. Grundlinien einer islamisch-theologischen Tierethik by Asmaa El Maaroufi,
- 10h30 – 12h45 : Panel 1. Animals in the founding religious texts
Chair : Jens Schmitt
- Mélanie Hanitsch (Friedrich Alexander University – Erlangen)
Of Animals and Animates. A Linguistic Approach to Praise and Subjection in Qurʾānic Arabic “Higher Nonhumans” - Geneviève Gobillot (University of Lyon)
State of investigation : The Intertextual Hermeneutics of the Quran and its Rhetorical Analysis
Paper : Les animaux du Coran - Nicolas Payen (Ludwig-Maximilian University – Munich)
The Testament of Adam : The Syriac Origins of a Ḥadīṯ on the Prayers of Creatures
- Mélanie Hanitsch (Friedrich Alexander University – Erlangen)
- 14h30 – 17h30 : Panel 2. Case Studies
Chair : Pierre Lory
- Jens Schmitt (Ludwig-Maximilian University – München)
Pious Cats – Cats’ Special Role - Walid Ghali (Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London)
“And, their dog stretching out his paws” وكلبهم باسط ذراعيه بالوصيد
The Symbolic Image of Dogs in the Sufi Teachings - Hala Abdel Meguid (Inalco – Paris)
Le rôle des animaux dans la tawba du récit de « L’homme endormi » d’après le Kitāb al-tawwābīn d’Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī (m. 620/1223) - شخوم سعدي (جامعة جيلالي ليابس)
- الحيوان الميثولوجي في المدونات والممارسات الصوفية
- Jens Schmitt (Ludwig-Maximilian University – München)
- General discussion
Thursday, November 17
- 9h00 : Coffee
- 9h30 :Introduction
- Nicolas PAYEN – State of investigation : research and studies on animals and saints in the Latin world
- 10h00 – 12h45 : Panel 3. History of Sufi Literature
Chair : Mélanie Hanitsch
- Arin Salamah Qudsi (University of Haifa)
Animals as Worshippers in Early Sufi Textbooks - Pierre Lory (EPHE – Paris)
Piété animale, piété angélique et impiété humaine - Denis Gril (Iremam – Aix-en-Provence)
L’animal comme maître spirituel, selon Ibn al-‘Arabī - محمد ثروت عطية (جامعة القاهرة فرع الخرطوم)
مقادمة : استعراض الأبحاث الجديدة في مصر عن التصوف
إيمان الحيوان من منظور الإسلام : مقاربة لمفهوم « أمم الحيوان » عند ابن عربي وابن تيمية
- Arin Salamah Qudsi (University of Haifa)
- 14h30 – 17h00 : Panel 4. Animals and Signs, between Didactics and Semiotics
Chair : Walid Ghali
- Muhammad Imran Khan (Trinity College – Dublin)
Animals as Exemplary Teachers in the Islamic Tradition : from Zoomorphic Considerations to Instruction in the Mundus Imaginalis - Guillaume de Vaulx (Cnrs, Orient et Méditerranée lab – Paris)
Can Animals Be Called Muslims ? Theological and Epistemological context of the statement : “We, Animals, Are Monotheists, Muslims and Believers” (Epistles of the Brethren in Purity) - Florence Ollivry (University of Montreal)
L’animal chez Ibn Barrajān de Séville (m. 536/1141), « contemplateur des signes de Dieu »
- Muhammad Imran Khan (Trinity College – Dublin)
- General discussion and results