Arabian Red Sea route


    3 juillet 2017
    Institute of Archaeology, Université de Warsaw – Pologne

      Monday, 3 July 2017
      Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw

  • Journée d’études avec les interventions de Laila Nehmé et Iwona Gajda
    _ 11.30–12.00
    _ Iwona Gajda : Contacts between South Arabia and the Roman Empire
    _ 12.00–12.30
    _ Laïla Nehmé : Oriental desert versus Arabian desert. Reflections on the connections
    between the Egyptian and Arabian shores in the northern Red Sea in
  • Intervention d’Iwona Gajda et Anne Benoist durant le colloque :
    _ 18.00–18.30
    _ The archaeological site of Wakarida and its region, Tigrai, Ethiopia

    Organisé en collaboration avec la Red sea VIII Conference par le Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology et le Aynunah Project (National Science Center Grant UMO-2014/14/M/HS3/00795)

    Comité d’organisation :
    Dr. Karol Juchniewicz
    Red Sea VIII
    Iwona Zych
    Joanna K. Rądkowska
    Dr. Zuzanna Wygnańska
    Marta Mierzejewska
    Organized in cooperation with the Red Sea VIII Conference
    by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
    University of Warsaw
    and the Aynunah Project
    (National Science Center Grant UMO-2014/14/M/HS3/00795)

    Organizing Committee:
    Arabian Red Sea Route
    Dr. Karol Juchniewicz

    Red Sea VIII
    Iwona Zych
    Joanna K. Rądkowska
    Dr. Zuzanna Wygnańska
    Marta Mierzejewska

    Télécharger le programme du colloque