Grinfield Lectures on The Septuagint 2024 : SÉBASTIEN MORLET – “The Plurality of the Biblical Text – Past and Present”
Professor of Greek language and literature, Sorbonne Université
“The Plurality of the Biblical Text – Past and Present (Second Series)
6th Week, Hilary Term 2024
All lectures will be presented in a hybrid format which will be accessible both online (see below for links) and
in person in the venues indicated below.
Tuesday February 20th, 2.00–3.30 p.m.
1. Textual plurality and manuscripts: the views of ancient commentators
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Walton Street, Catherine Lewis Lecture Theatre
(Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period, followed by tea in the Common
In order to participate in this lecture via Zoom, please register at this link:
Wednesday February 21st, 5–6.30 p.m.
2. The plurality inside the text: ancient views on the coherence or incoherence of the Biblical
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Walton Street, Catherine Lewis Lecture Theatre (followed
by a drinks’ reception)
In order to participate in this lecture via Zoom, please register at this link:
Thursday February 22nd, 4–6 p.m.
3. The Bible inside the plurality of texts: its relation to other texts according to ancient commentators
Oriel College, Harris Lecture Theatre (please consult at Porter’s lodge to gain 4-digit code for access)
(Early Biblical Interpretation Seminar)
In order to participate in this lecture via Zoom, please register at this link:
Prof. Sébastien Morlet’s research is devoted to ancient Jewish and Christian texts written in Greek, with
a focus on their relation to Greek paideia and philosophy. He is the author of La Démonstration
évangélique d’Eusèbe de Césarée. Étude sur l’apologétique chrétienne à l’époque de Constantin (2009),
Christianisme et philosophie : les premières confrontations (2014), Les Chrétiens et la culture : conversion
d’un concept (2016) and Symphonia. La concorde des textes et des doctrines dans la littérature grecque
jusqu’à Origène (2019). He is preparing the volume «2 Règnes» (2 Kingdoms) in the Bible d’Alexandrie